NYS Safe Sharps Collection Program
Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands
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NYS Safe Sharps Collection Program

There are many individuals with serious health conditions who manager their care at home and use syringes. For example, people with diabetes use syringes to inject their own insulin and use lancets every day to test their blood glucose. In addition, people who use drugs also need to dispose of used syringes and needles.
Safe disposal of sharps is critically important to optimize health, safety and protection of the environment and the community. The best way to ensure that people are protected from potential injury or disease transmission of blood borne diseases due to needle sticks is to follow established guidelines for the proper containment of “sharps” syringes, needles and lancets and other safer disposal practices.
Three methods of disposing syringes and other sharps collection sites exist across New York State.
All hospitals and nursing homes in New York State are mandated by law to accept home-generated sharps, as a free community service through their sharps collection programs.
- Locate a nursing home in your region. Go to NYS Health Profiles to search by region or county.
- For more information, call the facility’s main phone number and ask to be connected to their Sharps Coordinator.
271-11 76th Avenue
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Main phone: 718-289-2100
In addition, pharmacies, health clinics, community-based organizations, mobile van programs, public transportation facilities, housing projects, police stations, waste transfer stations and other venues have become settings for safe sharps and offer syringe collection drop boxes (or “kiosks”) to help facilitate the safe collection of used sharps.
These facilities and alternative sites are listed in the directory below:
- Know Your Local Recycling Guidelines
- Locate ESAP disposal sites: AIDS Institute Provider Directory
Service providers may share the above directories to educate clients and to refer them to convenient places in the community where they can safely dispose of their household sharps.
Although every attempt has been made to keep the directories updated, service information may have changed since data was collected. Before visiting the location, we suggest calling the phone number alongside the site you are interested in to confirm program information. Information posted on this website will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.
Opportunities to Participate in Clinical Research Study
While Alzheimer’s disease can be devastating to patients, families, and their caregivers, clinical trials are looking at new ways to fight this disease and are great opportunities to participate and make a difference.
Hope Through Research
The Rethink-ALZ trial is now open to qualifying participants. The trials last for 52 weeks. If you enroll into this trial, you will receive either the oral study drug or placebo twice a day. A placebo looks like the study drug but has no impact on the person taking it. There is no cost to the patient to participate in the Rethink-ALZ trial or for any of the study-related procedures. No hospitalization is required. If you or a loved one are interested in participating in one of these studies, the following criteria must be met:
- Be ages 50 to 87 years old.
- Be diagnosed with, or have a suspected clinical diagnosis of, Alzheimer’s disease.
- Have a gradual change in memory for six months or more.
- Have a family member or loved one who can be available as a study partner during the entire study.
- Be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or have had a previous COVID-19 infection.
Other criteria will apply.
Paving a Better Future
Agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia can be difficult to manage and can be very challenging for patients and their loved ones. The ASPECTTM clinical research study is evaluating an investigational drug for agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia and participants are needed. Participants will not have to pay for the study drug (the investigational drug or placebo), study supplies, study visits, or study tests. Health insurance is not required. To be eligible, participants must:
- Be between the ages of 50 and 90.
- Have a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s dementia.
- Have moderate-to-severe agitation that interferes with their daily life.
- Have a reliable caregiver who is able to comply with all study procedures
.Other criteria will apply.
For more information or to enroll in a Clinical Trial, please call us at 718-289-2103 or email us at research@parkerinstitute.org