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Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Our Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands program, serves Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, by providing free in-home consultations, support groups, joint enrichment programs, respite and educational programs on how to care for someone with Alzheimer’s disease.

Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands is an innovative community program that connects caregivers with a circle of help that includes trained volunteers who provide an array of respite services. Our well-trained volunteers provide family caregivers of older adults with the time to meet self-care needs, as well as other family obligations, at no cost. Without help in the daily tasks of care-giving, the risk to your health and well being is as real as it is to your loved one. That is why the volunteers of Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands provide the assistance you need, on a schedule designed to allow you the time, personal space and freedom that is essential for healthy living. Scholarships for temporary respite relief is also available.

For more information about Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands, please visit our website or call 516-586-5107.

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